Henrique Mezzabarba avatar
Written by Henrique Mezzabarba
Updated over a week ago

Our solution use your location while you scan in order to be able to draw the floor plan correctly. If the scan is interrupted, the app will try to relocate you so the scan can restart and continue as normal.

Note: The relocation feature is exclusive to iOS devices.

How it works

1. When the scan is interrupted, the App will show this message on your screen: “The scan was paused. We need to relocate before you can continue scanning.
In that case click on the "Relocate" button.

scan was paused

2. After you click on “Relocate”, the following message will appear on your screen: “Go back and rescan the previous space”.
Click on "OK", then go back to the previous room you scanned and scan it again.

go back

3. While you are scanning the previous room, your screen will turn yellow, with the message: “Relocating…”. This means the App is trying to recognize the data from that room.


4. After the App has recognized the previous room, your screen will turn green with the message: “Relocated! You can now continue with your scan normally.


5. After you see this screen, you can continue your scan normally.

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