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Warning during a scan

How to handle them and produce a good scan

Xavier Olland avatar
Written by Xavier Olland
Updated over a week ago

Disclaimer: as we are transitioning to portrait scanning, please note that some instructions could be outdated. We're doing our best to update things for a smooth transition. You can read more about it here.

Scanning Angle Warnings

We did a good study about the scanning angle. Our conclusion is that to get better results you should keep your device tilted a little less than 45 degrees pointing down.

Here are some warnings you may get and what you should do:

Ceiling warning

Do not scan ceilings

The ceiling warning is displayed when the angle of the device is too high (scanning ceiling) for over 5 seconds. Please, tilt your device down (a little less than 45 degrees should be fine).

Reminder: You should only scan ceilings that are less than 7 feet.
Scan the ceiling at a slight upwards angle, so that the ceiling and other context is visible in the frame.

Do not scan directly under the ceiling you are capturing.
Do not scan the ceilings for over 5 seconds.

Horizontal warning

Horizontal warning

The horizontal warning is displayed if you continue to scan at a too-high scanning angle. For example, scanning kitchen fixed furniture would be okay for a brief moment of time with a higher scanning angle. If you get this warning, please tilt your device downwards a bit.

Excessive tilt warning

Floor warning

A floor warning is displayed when the angle of the device is too low (scanning floor). If you get this warning, please tilt your device upwards a bit.

Sideways Warning

Sideways Warning

Sideways warnings (left and right) are displayed when the user walks sideways / with the device pointing to the wall. If you get this warning, please point the device in the walking direction (front).

Device Orientation Warnings

Portrait to landscape guidance

Portrait to landscape guidance

Portrait to landscape guidance is displayed when the scanning view is first launched and the device is in portrait orientation. This guidance can be dismissed by turning the device to landscape orientation (to the left), and this needs to be done in order to be able to start recording.

Reverse-landscape warning

Reverse-landscape warning

The reverse-landscape warning is displayed when the device is in reverse-landscape orientation (to the right). To dismiss this warning, the user needs to turn their phone (180 degrees) to the opposite landscape orientation.

Tracking Warnings

Insufficient lighting or features warning

This warning is displayed when scanning a space that is too dark or if the device has trouble finding its positioning (e.g. empty rooms with evenly colored walls and carpet). This warning displays the warning text, the orange borders and plays an error sound.

Moving too fast warning

Moving too fast warning

This warning is displayed when the device or the user is moving too fast. This warning displays the warning text, the orange borders and plays an error sound.

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