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How to create a tour

Generate an interactive tour on a PLUS order

Xavier Olland avatar
Written by Xavier Olland
Updated over 4 months ago

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Requirements & limitation

  • The tour is only available if you purchase our PLUS or PLUS 3D packages

  • You need to provide photos of the property, snapshots cannot be used

  • We won't be able to create a tour for scans processed before September 10th.

Tours can only be generated on Cubicasa web portal. It can't be done in our mobile app.

Upload and manage photos

To create the interactive tour, Cubicasa automatically position photos on the floor plan using AI. You need to upload the pictures on the web portal so that can be achieved.


  • We only support the following formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, WEBP

  • Only interior photos will be processed and positioned on the floor plan

  • Photos are ordered by alphabetical orders (but can be reordered later)

Upload photos

  1. In the web portal select your order in your order list

  2. Click on Cubicasa Tour tab

  3. Under Attachments click on the Upload photos button

  4. In the dialog box select the property photos you wish to see in the tour

  5. Wait for the upload to be completed. Don't close the window or the tab!

  6. Once the upload complete you can verify all photos are here by clicking the Manage Photos button.

Missing photos

If photos are missing or if you want to add new once repeat steps 3 to 6 from the upload process.

Manage photos

Reorder photos

You can rearrange in which order photos will be displayed on the tour.

  1. Once you've uploaded the photos click on Manage photos

  2. A panel open. Photos are displayed in the current order, with their position number underneath the thumbnail.

  3. Find the photo you want to reorder, click on it and maintain your click.

  4. Drag the photo to the wanted position, a dashed border will indicate its future position.

  5. Release your click to set the new order. All photos numbers get updated.

  6. Repeat the process with every photo you want to reorder.

Remove photos

After the upload, and later when coming back to the order, you can always open the photos panel by pressing View Files. You can then Remove all photos with the button at the top right or Remove a single photo.

Set your cover photo

The cover photo will be the one that appears when you share the tour link on social media.

Please note that the cover photo can be different from the first photo. So you can use an outdoor photo for social media but the key feature as the first photo of the tour.

  1. Click on Set cover

  2. A panel with all uploaded photos opens

  3. Once you have chosen the picture, click on Make cover photo underneath it

Generate the tour

Once all photos have been uploaded simply click Generate tour.

  • If your floor plan is ready, your tour will be ready within a few minutes

  • If your floor plan is still being drawn we will send you a notification when both th plan and the tour are ready.

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