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Property types
Aline Mezzabarba avatar
Written by Aline Mezzabarba
Updated over a year ago

When you scan a property you need to select a type of property. Here are some generic definition for these. The property type impacts the GLA calculation and therefore documents you will get with our GLA add-on.
One important thing to remember is that even so we give some information about the ownership, your choice should be based on the architectural style. You can read more about this later in this article.

Property types

Single Unit Residential

It’s the most common property type. It’s a detached, freestanding home with ownership of the land on which it dwells.

Townhouse and row house

It’s an individual unit as part of a larger project, consisting of two or more stories. It generally has at least one shared wall with another townhouse unit. Townhomes typically have the same ownership interest as a condo (airspace only, without ownership of the underlying land).


It’s a single unit within a condominium project. A project can consist of anywhere from two to hundreds of units, and are often multiple stories high. The individual condo unit is generally located on only one level (as opposed to a townhouse, which has multiple levels), and the ownership involves just the airspace and not the underlying land.


It’s any other property type: mobile homes, manufactured homes, etc. It can also be used if you forgot to scan a garage or a shed.

Ownerships, ANSI and other comments

About ownership & GLA

Our definition include mention of ownership and GLA, these statements are for the USA only. You can ignore these if you're scanning in an other country, just pick the correct architectural style.

About condos

The term “condo” or “condominium” is referring to a type of ownership while ANSI rules are referring to architectural styles. For example a row house can or cannot be a condo, it won’t affect how its GLA is calculated.

Definition discrepancies

In some states, the definition might differ slightly, but it's always about ownership. We do reckon that it matters a lot in the sales process of a property, but it doesn't affect how floor plans are drawn nor how GLA is calculated. As said above for condo, ANSI-Z765, which is the standard used for GLA calculation, is based on architectural styles.

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